fearless t-shirt Flyte sport

We are very excited to announce the official launch of the new FEARLESS edition of our apparel line which is available through many of our selected retailers and coming soon on www.flytesport.com.  Our branding team spent numerous hours coming up with a powerful design that would fit into our brand identity and inspire anyone who decided to wear it.

Why Fearless?

In our opinion, FEAR holds more people back from achieving GREATNESS than failure ever will. We believe that we are all destined for greatness from the time we were born. However, somewhere along the way and as we get older, we allow fear to completely take over our lives and rob us of the realization of just how powerful we really are.

There is a huge difference between feeling fear and letting that fear hold you back. If we want to achieve Greatness and reach our full potential in life, one thing is for certain: You need to feel the fear and take action anyway! Fear and mediocrity go hand in hand. Don't let Fear defeat you and prevent you from becoming who you are truly destined to be! Besides, the phrase “Do Not Fear” is written 365 times in the bible. That is a daily reminder to live every day of our lives being FEARLESS!



"For God has not given us a spirit Fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline" 2 Timothy 1:7


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