How Many Supplement Companies Are Rooting For You?
At Flyte, yes we create Performance Supplements and Wellness Products, but the reach is far beyond that and it doesn’t just stop when you click “add to cart.” We’re invested in you and watching you thrive — we are here to support you on your journey and connect you with our community.
Be fit enough to run with perseverance, the race marked out for us - Hebrews 12:1.
At Flyte, we are passionate about two things, faith and fitness. We believe that physical training is of some value, but that godliness has value for all things, holding promises for both the present life and the life to come. - 1Timothy 4:8.
We as an organization exist to provide you with great products and information to help you build a healthy body and achieve your fitness goals. But most importantly, we want a community grounded in faith, family, and fitness because we believe that as you pursue God with your whole heart, it will affect every single aspect of your life and empower you in your pursuit of being “Fit for more.”

+ Faith-based company
+ Unrivaled supplement quality
+ Every purchase gives back to orphanages and other ministries
+ Supports physical and spiritual vitality
+ A community grounded in faith, family, and fitness
How Flyte Began
Thanks for visiting, I’m Alex Pineda, visionary at FLYTE. After being my mother’s primary caregiver and losing her to a painful three-year battle with cancer, I witnessed first hand the fragility of our lives.
As I witnessed her health deteriorate day by day, I realized that our bodies are a magnificent creation, yet extremely fragile. I also had the opportunity to experience God’s love, grace, and mercy on her life as she was transformed inwardly into a completely different person.
A few months after her death at the age of 48, I fell into a deep depression with constant panic attacks and anxiety. I learned that no matter how clean you eat, how much you exercise, how much you rest, or how many supplements you take on a daily basis, we all face aging and the changes that come with it.
I realized that in those difficult moments, we need someone much greater than ourselves to carry us through those trials that we will inevitably face in life. I understood that people will fail you, your bank account will fail you, your health will fail you, but that God never will.
Thankfully, God pursued me through this dark and painful season. As I came to the end myself, I was desperate for change and decided to submit my life to His lordship vowing that I would spend the rest of my life serving Him and others. Shortly after, the vision behind Flyte was laid on my heart calling us to be a light in our industry while reconciling others to Christ through health and fitness. It’s been one of the most exciting journeys of my life and we are truly grateful and humbled by the opportunity to serve you. Thank you for your constant love, loyalty, and support over the years!
In Christ,

Alex is a follower of Christ, a husband, a father, and the steward and visionary behind FLYTE. He is an avid reader, loves to learn, and is a health and fitness enthusiast with over 15 years of industry experience.
Our Core Values
At Flyte, we’ve chosen 5 core values that guide us. We’re not perfect, but keep these in front of us with everything that we do. Through the highs and the lows of life, these keep us focused in the right direction.
People Over Products
Although we seek to create the best health and nutrition lines available, we always value people over products. We proactively love others, and are committed to serving like Jesus served. Pride may dominate our industry, but we lean in to humility to drive us, keeping it front and center as we lead. (Matthew 20:26; John 13:12-17; Philippians 2:3)
Integrity is present throughout every aspect of our brand. From our formulations, marketing strategies, podcasts, and daily operations, we believe that first and foremost we answer to God, and His view of how we operate as an organization. We seek in all things to lead with honesty and transparency, valuing character in all situations over the bottom line. Integrity is valuable, and the absence of it will cost you more than you know. (Proverbs 28:6; Proverbs 12:22; 2 Corinthians 8:21)
We strive to be industry leaders through generosity. We’re generous with our time (through interactions) and our resources (by giving a percentage of our finances away), never moving so quickly that we forget to give in abundance. We believe it’s impossible to love without giving generously. (Psalm 41:1-3; Luke 6:37-38; Psalm 119:36)
Every company has a “customer service” department. But at Flyte, we take an others- FIRST. We seek to surprise and delight not simply through the value we bring in our products, but by the way we serve. We serve by treating everyone with respect, knowing every single person has been created in the image of a loving God. Service leads to greatness. (Matthew 23:11; Mark 10:43; Philippians 2:4; Genesis 1:27-28)
We value total health. We believe this encompasses mind, body, and spirit, and that complete health is only found when each of these aspects of our lives is growing. Though we may start our journeys in different places, true health begins when we prioritize our spiritual health. In everything we do, we seek to bridge the gap between faith and fitness. (1 Timothy 4:8; Romans 12:2; Philippians 4:8)