Fear Of Failure
Fear. Something that we all struggle with to some degree. We fear that we are not strong enough, healthy enough, social enough. We fear we can’ t reach out goals and desires. We fear we will fail.
Fear of failure is a dangerous mindset to be in. Fear and doubt will hold us back from moving forward. When we live with this doubt we will remain in this space we call comfort. We have created for ourselves this bubble where we feel safe, without risk, without a chance of there being a failure.
Now let’s tackle the word failure. Failure simply means an act or instance in which one did not succeed. The key in that definition is act or instance. Instances are temporary small moments in our lives. And in the spectrum on eternity, it is just “a little while,” (1 Peter 5:10). We are going to face times where we do not succeed, but those are just small moments. Moments where we can choose to be defeated or choose to learn from those experiences.
Here’s the deal. We should not fear, because we have this amazing God that has the best intentions for our lives. We are placed and created right where He wants us. He isn’t going to make our lives perfect and smooth sailing, but He loves us dearly and wants us to grow in our character (James 1:2-4). But when we endure challenges, we develop perseverance, strength, and knowledge.
So what's next? How does this apply to our everyday lives? Like mentioned above, when we live in fear we tend to avoid risky or potentially challenging situations. This can be applied in the workplace, relationships, in the gym. Imagine, if we took that leap of faith and took on that new position at work that scares us, chose to be fully vulnerable within a relationship, or tried a new lift in the gym. Yes, you may not fully succeed at first, but what if you endured and kept trying? What if you succeeded? You won’t know until you take the chance. Learn from your mistakes and failures and try again. Pray and let God guide you to new potentials!
- Heather
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