How Do You Bring a Community Aspect into Fitness? | FIT FAITH
So the question is: How do you bring a community aspect into fitness?
So my day job is… I’m a small groups pastor. And so, day in and day out, I work to help people connect in healthy communities. I live this stuff though. So although that’s my day job, it’s not a job for me. It’s a calling for me. So I choose to live life in community, specifically for my spiritual health. Because I think I get better when I’m around other people. Sometimes these people are two, three, four stages ahead of me in life, so I get to learn from where they’ve been and other people are two, three, four stages behind me in life, so I get to help pull them along but then they also help keep me fresh as well.
The same thing actually is true for me with my physical fitness. So I do Crossfit. The reason that I do CrossFit, the big reason, is because I love the community aspect of what we do in the CrossFit box. I get better because I’m working alongside other people. They push me. I push them. We’re in the trenches together. We are sweating, hurting together in a middle of a workout. And then, what it does for me is that it opens up conversations to talk about some of the most important things in life. So I love the community aspect of working out. I never workout alone. I just don’t. It pushes me to be better physically. I push other people to be better physically. I see God using me to push people. But then I just get the chance to have conversations about the most important things in life, because I choose to not workout alone.
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