Charissa Sutliff

Hi everyone, my name is Charissa!
I’m a personal trainer, specialist in fitness nutrition, prep coach, pro bikini athlete and life enthusiast! I hold a Bachelors of Science in Kinesiology and work in higher education, specifically recreation, fitness and wellness. I am also about to finish my Master of Arts in Higher Education Administration.
I grew up in a small town in upstate New York. I was an athlete in high school, I played field hockey, ran track and also danced. I’ve always been active and in good shape, instead of going to my assigned study halls in high school I would get permission to go to PE in addition to my scheduled PE class. I’ve also always been an outgoing, bubbly, happy person! I love meeting people and socializing, that is one of my favorite things to do next to bodybuilding. Being a people person, I've always enjoyed giving help and advice to others and making the most of our relationships and interactions with others, so I decided to study human services in college. A semester later I took a dance class at Adirondack Community College as a physical activity credit. I was thrilled to be in the class, as dancing is one of my most beloved hobbies. One day while helping a friend who was struggling in the class, an inspirational conversation led me to pursue becoming a fitness instructor, which would combine my love for physical fitness with my need to help others stay healthy. My search led me to obtain my Bachelors degree in Kinesiology and become a personal trainer. My studies in Kinesiology fueled my passion for fitness, nutrition and learning more about both. I started competing in natural bodybuilding a year ago, where I won my pro card at my first show, I then placed third in my pro debut 5 months later, qualifying me for the IFPA yorton cup world championships where I placed third 6 months ago.
My favorite part of my job in higher education is the opportunity I have to help students on a day to day basis and impact their lives. I get to help them in fitness and wellness and help them to become wholesome people. I am the director of the fitness and wellness program for students, faculty, and staff. I help the campus community in their fitness and wellness journey with our fitness facilities, fitness programs and recreation programs. I also head the volunteer program on campus where I provide opportunities for the campus to give back and get involved.
I am still in shock at the success I have had in bodybuilding in just a year, but so incredibly blessed and because of that I want to inspire people to believe in themselves and their greatest, I want to inspire people that they can do anything they set their mind to. Bodybuilding has not only transformed my physical body, but also my mind and how I view the world.
Bodybuilding and fitness isn’t just about one's physique and aesthetics, it takes incredible discipline, and dedication to compete. It requires unparalleled effort to be consistent with training and eating to fuel your body, day in and day out. It isn’t just about muscles, it is also about the mind.
It’s about believing in yourself, and believing in your greatness. It’s about hard work, challenging yourself and pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone. It’s about digging deep, fueling your soul with motivation and greatness.

I believe in being great in all aspects of life, physical and mental. I believe in transforming people's minds and bodies, to truly become their greatest. To be our best selves we need to not only honor our bodies but honor our mind. We must have a healthy relationship with ourselves, to truly be our greatest. I also think that finding our passion and bliss will help us to achieve our greatest, as we will feel fulfilled and energetic about our life because we have a purpose.
I want to leave a legacy, by doing good for people. I want to have a maximum impact on the maximum amount of people around me. I desire to empower people that they can do anything they set their mind to, and to find their passion and their bliss, to do good and be good.
So here I am today, following my dreams inspiring and empowering others to be their greatest. I am incredibly honored and ecstatic to join Flyte as a sponsored athlete. Flyte shares my passion for people and being a person of value, and character. Together, we want to help YOU. Reach out to us, we are here for you!