Recovery is an important aspect of training that often gets overlooked. We aren't just talking about recovery periods between sets and reps, but recovery as a vital piece of health, and performance.
This 3-part bicep dumbbell move is like the 21s bicep exercise, but with slightly different variations.
The decline sit-up using a medicine ball is a great starting and finishing exercise for your core workout.
The triceps pushdown exercise with the rope attachment allows you to achieve a fuller range of motion compared to using a bar. Charissa shows us how it's done in this Fit Tip video.
Lat pulldowns are a great exercise that targets your back muscles. Charissa shows us how it's done in this Fit Tip video. Learn more about how to do proper lat pulldowns.
Looking for that summer six pack? Charissa shows us how it's done in this Fit Tip video. The first step People think crunches are easy, so they rush through them with improper form Tips for how to do proper crunches.